About PK

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Who is PK?

Pundarik Ranchhod (aka PK)  first began tinkering with computers 25 years ago. Currently he works in sales and marketing for a systems integrator. PK previously co-founded and ran a company called 7irene, a software services company. Before that he worked for Sun, Forte Software, Sterling Software, Texas Instruments Software and Mike Bergen & Associates. PK also did a short stint of lecturing at Rhodes University and is on the IS Department’s Advisory Board.

On Acorns and Apples

PKs’ first computer was a BBC Micro.  For those who remember that far back, Acorn Computers produced the BBC Micro series of computers. The BBC Micro and subsequent versions were endorsed by the BBC and dominated the educational market at the time. By a coincidental quirk of history, parts of the former Acorn company today exist in the shape of ARM Holdings. ARM are a dominant force in the mobile microprocessor market. Their designs are used by Apple Inc. for the processors that power the latest iPhone and iPad devices.

Analysis and Comments on the iPad, AppleTV and Apple Inc.

As mentioned above, it is quite the coincidental the link between Apple and ARM today with Acorn Computers from the past. Which brings us to the present day and the reason for this blog. This blog provides reviews, analysis and comments on the use of Apple Macs, iPhone, iPad and related technologies for business.

Contacting PK

Send all comments, offers for dinner and unused Apple devices to:
